Bronze Medallion Course

Bronze Medallion Course

Over the weekend, our surf club had a group of dedicated individuals completed the prestigious Bronze Medallion Course. This intensive course is the cornerstone of surf lifesaving, equipping participants with essential skills to ensure the safety of beachgoers. The weekend was an embodiment of dedication, perseverance, and passion for safeguarding our shores. Participants engaged in rigorous training, covering ocean awareness, rescue techniques, first aid, and fitness assessments. They navigated challenging scenarios, mastering the art of teamwork and rescue operations. Our trainers and assessors, alongside the commitment of the participants, made this achievement possible.

The Bronze Medallion Course stands as a pivotal accomplishment in surf life-saving circles. It empowers individuals with the knowledge and confidence to handle emergency situations, serving as a cornerstone qualification for becoming a surf lifesaver. The course encompasses vital aspects of water safety, preparing participants to respond effectively in emergencies. Beyond the practical skills, completing the Bronze Medallion signifies a commitment to community service and the safeguarding of beach enthusiasts.

We also saw a group of young individuals from our Under 14’s complete their SRC (Surf Rescue Certificate)